INA Essentials is a family company that has been engaged in organic farming and organic processing of essential oil crops for more than a decade. The company grows plantations with organic lavender, roses, sumac, lemon balm, chamomile, clary sage and sumac. The owner - Veselina Ralcheva - is one of the founders and first chairman of the Association of Organic Farmers in Bulgaria - Bulgarian Association of Organic Products. In 2019 she was chosen as the first winner of the award "Organic Producer of the Year in Bulgaria"
Bio Melissenwasser für trockene und empfindliche Haut (Hydrolat) 150 ml
12,00 CHF
Bio Melissenwasser
Hersteller: INA Bulgaria |
Bio-Kamillenwasser gegen Ekzeme und gereizte Haut (Hydrolat) 150ml
12,00 CHF
100 % Bio Kamillenwasser aus Bulgarien
Hersteller: INA Bulgaria |