
For more than 7 years, I have been working in the field of e-commerce, trade and commercial agency. I have bought and sold goods through various well-known online platforms. I also facilitate products from the Czech Republic to Germany and Austria markets. I can justifiably say that I am passionate about trade and agency of goods.

With this in mind, in 2020, I finally decided to found the company Oeschger Handelsvermittlung so that I can continue to work more intensively in the field of trade and agency. As part of this company, the idea for the hamoso division was born.

The aim of hamoso is to increasingly bring brands, goods and in some cases services from Central-Eastern and Southeastern Europe (MOSO) to the German-speaking market. In this regard, hamoso is also working to increase the awareness and acceptance of products and services from the above-mentioned region.

On the one hand, hamoso is active in the field of commercial agency. Here, companies from MOSO are supported so that they can get access to the German-speaking market with their products or services. hamoso offers the service to enable or facilitate market entry. You can find more information about it here:

On the other hand, the establishment of this online shop is a further conclusion of the corporate philosophy. Various services and products originated from MOSO are offered here, which are also aimed directly at the end consumer. In addition, startups, retailers, wholesalers etc. are also welcome in the hamoso shop!